Exploring all aspects of B2B marketing from the broad picture to the finer details, our three masterclass speakers covered how to make your approach work harder.
Adam Partridge, Head of Strategy and Planning, opened the presentations with a talk on how to change the conversation in the category. He argued that it’s all too easy for B2B brands to become similar, adopting a homogenised look by sector. He encouraged people to focus less on short term sales tactics, and instead look at finding their own space.
Senior Strategic Planner, Liam Smith, was up next and provided an insight on how Account Based Marketing (ABM) can be used to effectively target the relevant audience. After outlining what ABM actually is, and how the increasingly personalised approach can drive excellent return on investment from customers, he illustrated the potential to use personalisation creatively. To round off Liam talked through the five practical steps to follow to implement ABM into your business.
Jarrod Lopiccolo, CEO of our sister company Noble, spoke about the growing importance of digital marketing in B2B sales. He talked about what is inbound vs outbound and debunked several myths around B2B marketing – for example that social media doesn’t work for a business audience. He shared his top tips on what to consider before you launch your B2B digital strategy.
To finish, the audience put the speakers on the spot with their specific questions, leading to a lively panel debate that took into account topics as varied as tone of voice and top tips for lead generation.
The next event in our masterclass series will take place at the end of November. Email sarah.dennis@mrbandfriends.co.uk if you’d like to be added to the invite list.