Sara has been appointed as a chapter leader for Ladies, Wine & Design (L,W&D), a creative initiative started in New York that’s rapidly growing across the world. Sara came across the not-for-profit movement while scrolling through Instagram. Set up by Jessica Walsh of the world-renowned Sagmeister & Walsh, L,W&D is actively trying to champion women in creative leadership roles – disappointingly in the UK currently only 12% of creative directors are women.
Jessica started L,W&D to combat some of the jealous negativity, hate mail and sexism that she was experiencing, mainly from women, as she climbed the career ladder. She realised we need to be pushing women up and empowering them, not pulling them down.
The Bristol chapter will welcome anyone associated with the creative industry – not just graphic designers. Sara says, “Although this is an initiative for women, we need all the help we can get, so men of Bristol will not be turned away. If you support our goals, our door is open.”
As a chapter leader, Sara will be networking across Bristol to spread the word. The launch event is currently a work in progress but will be used to start the conversation about what people are looking to get in return- whether that be portfolio reviews, workshops or the chance to hear from some inspirational panellists.
What’s next?
To register your interest go to
Follow the instagram channel @lwdbristol #ladieswinedesign
And spread the word!